Why me? The only way of describing my life from my perspective. I hate how my family thinks of Colorado as the best thing that ever happened in any of our lives, but it's not. I hate being outside. We go hiking every weekend, and I hate it. Worst thing that ever happened in my life. My older brother thinks so too. He feels just the way I do. We jump in the car to go to the mountains. But just so you know how terrible my life is, here is a typical school day.
I arrive at the bus stop at 7:30 in the morning. This bully named Michle, always makes fun of my accent, coming from Georgia and all you know. I turn around to the bus and go to my normal seat to sit alone on the bus. That's how my morning gets ruined every day. I go through all of my advanced honor classes to be back on the bus to go home. I come home alone, as always. My brother gets out of school at 4 and I get out at 2. My mom picks him up from school every day, while I have to ride the bus. It's really stupid. My dad left us when I was 5 and Ted was 7. He didn't want a girl, so he left us. Every day I always think about that too, that I'm the reasoon why my dad left. He wanted the dominent, not a prissy little girl. As many times as I wanted to, I have never been 'Daddy's Little Girl'.